10 Mar Salt Therapy Good for Kids with Colds?
Is Salt Therapy good for kids with colds?
Salt therapy is becoming more widely used as a naturalistic treatment for many conditions and to improve overall wellness.
As it gains momentum, questions arise about what types of conditions it can be most beneficial for, and what are the measurable benefits? It is widely accepted that salt therapy can provide benefits such as improved relaxation and reduced stress levels, and these are certain things that can lead to improved overall health. But, there are still some questions about how salt therapy may be used to treat specific conditions.
For centuries, salt has been used medicinally to treat a range of conditions, as well as to promote general good health. However, the scientific evidence is limited. While there is no specific evidence that salt therapy is harmful, there are also no promises that it is a cure-all.
Is Salt Therapy Safe For Children?
Some parents find that traditional medical treatments are not fully successful when treating childhood conditions, and seek alternative ways to help their children. Conditions such as chronic cough, asthma, or skin conditions can be difficult to treat. Also, many parents are wary of giving their children too much medicine and prefer to find holistic methods to augment medical intervention.
Although there are few studies to confirm that salt therapy is helpful for children, there is also little evidence that salt therapy is harmful. Many adults find significant positive effects from halotherapy and want to extend those effects to their children. Effects such as reduced stress, relaxation, better sleep, improved skin conditions, and better lung capacity, and improved wellness overall can benefit people of all ages.
Parents of children with chronic health conditions are often seeking new answers. Pediatricians also commonly struggle to find treatments that have long-term success. Adding in naturalistic, non-harmful treatments to a child’s plan can often help kids feel better and make parents feel that they are doing everything they can to help their child.
What to Consider?
If you are considering adding salt therapy as a naturalistic approach to health and wellness for your child, it is important to discuss this with your primary care provider. He or she will hopefully be able to consider the possible benefits, and inform you if there are any potential negative side effects to consider. Things that are helpful for adults do not always have the same effect for children, and no parent would want to do harm to their child while trying to make them better! Many pediatricians may not fully believe in halotherapy as a treatment, but they may encourage parents to try it when other strategies are not completely successful.
Because salt therapy has positive respiratory effects for adults, including reducing congestion, clearing mucous from the respiratory tract, and reducing coughing, it may be a great treatment while your child has just a common cold. In addition to the positive physical effects, halotherapy can be relaxing, will probably not have the same side effects as many cold medicines (which can cause difficult behaviors in a child who gets overstimulated), and may improve sleep. These are all things that are commonly accepted to help fight the common cold!
Talk to your primary care provider if you are interested in pursuing salt therapy for your child, whether your child has a common cold or a chronic condition that may be helped by halotherapy. As long as it does not interfere with other medical treatments, it may provide great benefits.
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